Vanessa Diniz

Vanessa Diniz

Личная информация

Возраст: 32
День рождения: 28 января

О себе:

Hi everyone! I'm from Brazil and I love to learn new languages. Now I'm learning (and also teaching) Russian and Norwegian. I have this blog where the idea is to create a place where brazilians and other Portuguese speakers can find material to learn these two languages. What I learn, I try to help others learn, too. And that's why I'm here, so I can learn and teach better. So, whoever helps me here, thank you in advance! If you want, please be my guest and take a blog at my blog:


Я знаю:

Я изучаю:

  • норвежский (Букмол) | Начинающий
  • русский | Начинающий